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6/17 Ask the Expert: HR Service Delivery –Advanced Configurations for Lifecycle Events

Lisa Latour

Are you a ServiceNow customer looking to configure lifecycle events for your Organization? Are you looking to take advantage of the features and functionality available in Enterprise Onboarding & Transitions?

If yes, then don’t miss this session!  We will be discussing advanced configurations you can leverage to build your lifecycle events.

Recorded Monday, June 17, 2019
( no registration required )

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Apani Buksh is a Product Manager at ServiceNow responsible for the growth and adoption of the HR Product. In her role, she helps customers optimize their use of the HR product through recommendations, workshops, and roadmap sessions. Working closely with ServiceNow's global customer base, she is able to capture critical insights and contribute to future development and enhancements of the HR product.



Michael Sheridan is a Product Manager at ServiceNow responsible for HRSD Implementation Success and Partner Enablement within the HR product. In his role, he helps customers and partners alike with good practices for the HR product. Michael has more than sixteen years of experience in application development, 7 of them in the HR Technology industry.





Kilo Explorer


I wanted to know if it was possible to trigger a lifecycle event for OnBoarding using a Business Rule rather than a Record Producer. For example, when the new Employee record is created in the HR Profile table, the HR Case is created and the lifecycle event is triggered.

Hi Louis,

Great question. We have an OOB Business Rule on the Scoped HR Profile table  - Create HR Case if Start Date is Future

You will see this would meet the Request Onboarding use case for a new hire that is created in the HR Profile table. Let us know if this helps you.



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Not applicable

Regarding the ability to create conditions that are usable downstream, I have a few questions.

As you described, you created an HR Criteria that was simple; it does not check against the current Lifecycle Event or case, and does not handle situations where the employee might need to restart the process.

The simple HR Criteria also does not appear to handle situations where multiple employees are in the Lifecycle Event process; to handle these conditions effectively, we need more advanced criteria.

How in fact do you create such an advanced Audience / HR Criteria? There does not appear to be any scripting option. And using advanced triggers on Activity Sets is not lifecycle-designer friendly for complex scenarios; scriptable triggers need to be on available on Activities, too.

Is the employee input and conditions capability that you demonstrated the same one you said earlier in the video would be available in New York, wherein you do not need to create a separate case/task? Now that New York is released, how does one use the improved input / conditions capability there? How / where is the employee input stored in the same case?

Lastly, can you look at my posting here, and comment on whether any of those capabilities are available?

i have the same question. Did someone answer this already??