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 Center of Excellence / UI Builder / UI Builder Quick Start Guide / Create & Configure a Page






Create a Page


  1. Select Menu and select + Create page.
  2. On the Create a page screen, in Name of page, enter the name of your new page.
  3. In the Path field, specify a path for your page.

    A default path is added based on your page name. You can also create your own path. The path is required and must be unique. The path can include digits (0-9), letters (A-Z, a-z), and a few special characters ("-", ".", "_", "~"), with the words separated by a forward slash or hyphen. The URL preview shows what the path of your page will be.

  4. Select Create to create your page.



Create a Page with a Page Template


Use a page template if you want to create a page based on a predefined page template. You can customize the page to your needs. When using a template, either reference the template and its data, or copy the contents of the page template. When you reference a page template, your page automatically updates when you upgrade to a new release. If you copy the page template, your page will not update after upgrade. For more information, see Page templates.


  1. Select Menu and select + Create page.
  2. On the Create a page screen, in Name of page, enter the name of your new page.
  3. In the Path field, specify a path for your page. A default path is added based on your page name. You can also create your own path. The path is required and must be unique. The path can include digits (0-9), letters (A-Z, a-z), and a few special characters ("-", ".", "_", "~"), with the words separated by a forward slash or hyphen. The URL preview shows what the path of your page will be.


  4. From the Page template list, select a template that you want to base your page on. With a page template, you can create a page that is based on a pre-defined page template and then you can customize the page to your needs.


  5. When you select a template, such as Agent assist, you must reference the template and its data, or just copy the contents of the page template. When you reference a page template, your page automatically updates when you upgrade to a new release. If you just copy the page template, your page does not update after you upgrade.
  6. Select Create to create your page.

Advanced Page Settings - Parameters & Variants


When creating a page, you can set advanced settings such as required and optional parameters, as well as variant settings.

  1. Click Add required parameters to add any required parameters to your page URL. A required parameter is a piece of data that your page requires, such as a sys_id, table, or query. Required parameters are useful for components, as they can bind to the value of the required parameter.


  2. Click the required parameter in the URL, and in Test values type a value, such as incident. You add a test value to your page to populate data into the page as a way to test it. For example, if you add a table as a required parameter, you could add a test value of incident to bring in test data on the incident for that table. For more information on test values, see Test values.


  3. Click Add optional parameters to add any optional pieces of data to your variant that you want to add to the URL of your variant page. Unlike required parameters, optional parameters are always name and value pairs that work no matter what order they’re provided.


  4. Select the Variant tab to set the audience and conditions settings for your variant page.When you create a page, UI Builder also creates a variant of the page for you by default. A page variant is a variation of your page at the same path that lets you target experiences for different audiences using user criteria. For example, a page for managers, and a variant of that page for the manager's direct reports.


  5. Ensure that the Active check box is selected to make this page active.
  6. Select Done.
Version history
Last update:
‎09-13-2023 01:46 PM
Updated by: