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Dan Bruhn
Community Alums
Not applicable

I liked the examples. 

Rob Levy1
Mega Explorer

Good intro - watch this one twice

Tera Guru

The video did refer to documentation for advanced features after discussing the "Advanced" tab but would have provided more benefit by explaining the additional advanced functionality on the "When to run" tab. Explaining the async, Delete, and Query functions would demonstrate that a business rule does not need to complete before returning (async) nor does it require a database action (Query) to trigger.

(Hopefully, there is not a CSA exam question about needing to run before or after a database action, or that it requires JavaScript.)

Paulo R_ Machad
Tera Contributor

Hi Everyone!
Thanks by toy explanation @Dan Bruhn, but I have a question.
In 2:50 you explain the condition camp must be blank if script camp is filled, but after that, it's possible to see both camps filled. Am I understand wrong or it's a problem of the lesson??
Thanks in advance.

Tera Explorer

Thanks! This helped me gain a better understanding business rules and how they can be created, implemented and managed.

Sandro Maximo
Tera Contributor


Boris Ortiz1
Tera Contributor


Sandro Maximo
Tera Contributor
Usefull !!!
Marivaldo Nova1
Kilo Explorer

Very Helpful

Daniel Junqueir
Kilo Explorer

Easy to learn!

Daniel Junqueir
Kilo Explorer

Easy to learn!

Kilo Explorer

This was alot of information that i feel would still need to be looked into further on our parts. 

compete - 9/14/21

Andre Moreira1
Tera Guru

Great content!

Felipe Dockhorn
Kilo Contributor

Great content!

Goncalo Freire
Kilo Explorer

I've followed it step by step. Great!

Tera Contributor


Haseeb Ahmad2
Giga Contributor


Kilo Explorer


Sumedh Gajbhiye
Tera Contributor


Heidi Wilson
Tera Explorer

All of these course are well organized and informative for users new to ServiceNow.

Bharat Shinde
Tera Contributor

Helpful, Thanks!

Marielle Anne B
Giga Explorer

Thank you very helpful

Version history
Last update:
‎09-13-2019 02:39 PM
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