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Best Practice for Building Efficient Queries   Outbound Integrations Using SOAP / REST: Performance Best Practices


This guide is written by the ServiceNow Technical Support Performance team (All Articles). We are a global group of experts that help our customers with performance issues. If you have questions about the content of this article we will try to answer them here. However, if you have urgent questions or specific issues, please see the list of resources on our profile page: ServiceNowPerformanceGTS

This document is targeted at advanced developer level audience. I will discuss various methods to solve two problems. The first problem is when there is a query against a single table with conditions against multiple fields joined by an OR. The second problem is when a query requires a JOIN between two tables. Both solutions involve running multiple simple queries instead of a single complex query and splicing the results via script - effectively emulating a SQL sub-query.

NOTE: Beware, some of these solutions require increased code complexity and potentially requires dealing with large datasets in memory! Most of the time you can fix slow a query through optimizing at the database level using indexes or simply avoiding complex queries in the first place. However, the strategies described in this article might be worth considering if you have exhausted all other options. TRY SIMPLER SOLUTIONS FIRST.

Also, perhaps more importantly, the scripted solutions listed here include code that builds lists of sys_id's that will be used in filters. This is very memory intensive and we have included a hard limit of 1,000 records in our code to avoid end-user impact. If you are considering a script that will build a filter by returning a list of sys_id's from code, please write protective code to ensure you do not build too big of a list. Even a list as small as 10,000 sys_id's can severely impact system-wide performance. Your mileage may vary!


PROBLEM#1 - Queries with Multiple OR Operations on One Table

Sometimes MariaDB can't do an efficient query when using OR operations. Consider the following query:
SELECT … FROM u_table WHERE (a = X OR b = X OR c = X) AND d = 5 

MariaDB tries to use indexes to optimize the execution path of each query. An index is like a phone book; it is a listing of records ordered by one field and perhaps sub-ordered by a additional fields. With three OR conditions (like above), the optimizer has a hard time because it needs to be able to search each of three fields and see if any of them match at all. Going back to our phone book analogy, to do a search like this you would need to have three phone books and then merge the results together. This can be done with something called an Index Merge* (see below), but in some cases, the same results can be achieved much faster by doing 3 separate queries and then merging the results within ServiceNow's javascript code.

SELECT sys_id FROM u_table WHERE a = X AND d = 5
SELECT sys_id FROM u_table WHERE b = X AND d = 5
SELECT sys_id FROM u_table WHERE c = X AND d = 5
SELECT … FROM u_table WHERE sys_id IN (<results of three queries above>) <- MUCH BETTER!


*Index Merge

Some complex OR queries are better served by an Index Merge. For example, in the scenario above, suppose that 300,000 of the records in u_table have d = 5. The optimizer cannot sufficiently narrow down the result set by using an index on d. It cannot use a compound index on a, b, c because they are joined by OR statements. But if there were three indexes, one index where each of the three columns (a, b, and c) are listed as the first field in the index, then the MariaDB optimizer can use an Index Merge algorithm. This is equivalent to having three phone books, searching each of them individually for matching results, and then merging the results. Sometimes using an Index Merge is a more efficient way of dealing with inefficient queries that contain multiple OR conditions. The most common use case for this type of query is in the Auto-complete for reference fields functionality (also see here) or in complex user created reports (especially ones that use the dreaded über OR - where two parenthetical clauses are joined by an OR). To see if an index merge will work for your query you would need to ensure that you Create a table index for each field in your query that is joined by an OR condition.

MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: Index Merge Optimization



SOLUTION #1 - Just Split It Into Two Queries

In some cases, you may be able to simply split the behavior into separate queries with separate results and still satisfy your end user use case. If you are creating a very complex query that is running slowly ask yourself if the customer would accept a solution that has multiple request/results instead of one merged result. If the performance is much faster with separate results, customer might be willing to bend on the requirements.

For example:

1 big report takes 35 seconds:

(Closed today) OR (Opened today) OR (Active=true AND Assigned To=Service Desk) 

3 little reports take 4.5 seconds (even less if you can multi-thread them, as is done for reports on a home page, for example).

  1. Closed Today (1.3 seconds)
  2. Opened Today (1.2 seconds)
  3. Active=true AND Assigned To=Service Desk (2 seconds)


SOLUTION #2 - Merge Two Separate Query Results in Javascript

NOTE: Read note above regarding using complex coding solutions rather than optimizing at the database

Most queries in ServiceNow are done through the UI using the Condition Builder tool. In order to leverage a scripted sub-query method in the Condition Builder you need a piece of script that can be referenced anywhere. The standard way to do this is with a global script include.


1.Create a global Script Include called "eitherOr" with the following script:


var eitherOr = function(value, table, fields, active) {
  var value = value || gs.getUserID();
  var active = (typeof active == "undefined") ? true : Boolean(active);
  var result = [];
  var queryTable = function(table, field, qValue, resultAr) {
            var grQuery = new GlideRecord(table);
            grQuery.addQuery(field, qValue);
            if (active) {
            var count = 0;
            while(grQuery._next()) {
                      if (count++ > 1000){
                                gs.addErrorMessage("SubQueryFilter: " + table +
                                "." + field + " = " + qValue +
                               " returned over 1,000 results. Results of this list are trimmed.");
            return resultAr;
  for (var ia = 0; ia < fields.length; ia++){
            result = queryTable(table, fields[ia], value, result);
  //gs.print("result: " + result.join(","));
  return result.join(",");


2. In the Condition Builder where you want to leverage the eitherOr method, create a scripted condition like the one below


NOTE: It is bad practice to hard code a sys_id. A better option would be to programmatically return the sys_id of the current logged in user, like below.

javascript&colon;eitherOr(javascript&colon;gs.getUserID(), 'indident', ['assigned_to', 'caller_id']);

I'm just too lazy to take another screenshot.


Once you realize how much sub-queries can improve the speed of complex OR queries you will see how this principle can be applied in other places as well. Another common area is with JOIN queries in which the WHERE clause includes conditions from two different tables.


PROBLEM #2 - Queries with slow WHERE Conditions from Two Separate Tables

MariaDB has an internal optimizer that tries to find the most efficient way to query data. The main way that MariaDB improves query retrieval time is by using indexes. An index is like a phone book that orders all the results from some table in a sequence by a specified field or fields. 

Suppose you have a query like this:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item LEFT JOIN model ON item.model =
AND item.customer = 'Acme'
AND model.end_of_life >= '2017-01-01'
AND model.end_of_life <= '2017-02-01';

Now suppose there is an index on model.end_of_life and another one on Suppose further that there are millions of items and there are hundreds of thousands of items that have the customer of Acme. This means the results of the JOIN before applying the end_of_life query (i.e. the intermediary result set) will be hundreds of thousands of records. We need to use the index for to do the JOIN efficiently and we need to use an index on item(active, customer) to make the WHERE clause operate efficiently. But now we cannot also use the index on model.end_of_life and we are stuck doing a range scan on hundreds of thousands of model.end_of_life values. Not pretty.

SOLUTION #1 - Splice Results using GlideRecord.addJoinQuery(table, field, field)

See GlideRecord.addJoinQuery(table, field, field) for our official dev documentation on this little known GlideRecord method. Counter-intuitively named, this method does a SQL sub-query not a JOIN. Sub-queries can help MySQL choose the optimum execution plan by essentially breaking a complex query into two simpler queries. It does have some major limitation however.

How it works:

  • All you can do is this: mainQuery.addJoinQuery('subtable', 'field_from_maintable', 'field_from_subtable');
    • subtable is the name of the table that has a reference to a value against which we can splice with our main table
    • field_from_maintable is a field on the main query with values that will match field_from_subtable
    • field_from_subtable is a field on the sub-table that has values that will match field_from_maintable
  • To add conditions in your sub-query use addCondition(field,value)
    e.g. you CAN do this: mainQuery.addJoinQuery('subtable', 'field_from_maintable', 'field_from_subtable').addCondition('sys_created_on', '>', '2020-10-15 00:00:00');
  • You can't dot-walk to the fields in the sub-query using conditions in your main query
    e.g. you can NOT do this: mainQuery.addQuery('subtable_reference.sys_created_on', '>', '2020-10-15 00:00:00');

In regards to the example above, we can get what we want by doing a sub-query like this:

AND item.customer = 'Acme'
AND item.model IN (
        SELECT FROM model
        WHERE model.end_of_life >= '2017-01-01'
        AND model.end_of_life <= '2017-02-01'

To do this in the code it would look like this:

var mainQuery = new GlideRecord('item');
mainQuery.addQuery('active', 1);
mainQuery.addQuery('customer', 'Acme');
var subQuery = mainQuery.addJoinQuery('model', 'model', 'id'); 
subQuery.addCondition("end_of_life", ">=", "2017-01-01");
subQuery.addCondition("end_of_life", "<", "2017-02-01");
while( {

SOLUTION #2 - Splice Results in JavaScript

NOTE: Read note above regarding using complex coding solutions rather than optimizing at the database

If addJoinQuery() just can't give you what you need then you might try a kind of scripted sub-query.

Here's an example:

var subQIsBetween = function(table, field, after, before, orEquals) {
        var subQ = new GlideRecord(table);
        var results = "";//Not sure if delimited string is better than array here? Memory usage? What happens in GlideRecord when you pass a delimited string? Anyone with evidence care to comment?
        orEquals = (typeof orEquals == "undefined") ? true : Boolean(orEquals);
        var beforeOp = (orEquals) ? "<=" : "<";
        var afterOp = (orEquals) ? ">=" : ">";
        subQ.addQuery(field, beforeOp, before);
        subQ.addQuery(field, afterOp, after);
        var count = 0;
        while(subQ._next()) {
             if (count++ > 1000){
                   gs.addErrorMessage("subQIsBetween: " + table +
                   "." + field + " returned over 1,000 results. Results of this list are trimmed.");
             results += subQ.getValue("sys_id")+",";
        return results.substring(0, results.length-1);


From the List View of the Items table:

Customer "is" Acme
Active "is" True
Model "is one of" javascript&colon;subQIsBetween('model', 'end_of_life', '2017-01-01', '2017-02-01') 

Obviously you would want to fancy this up with the GlideDateTime API to ensure valid dates were being used and to handle dynamic values like "today" or "next month".

Union Replacement*
Union replacement is a "maint-only" feature that only ServiceNow Support can help you implement. Union Replacement works by matching a problematic query pattern and breaking the complex WHERE clause results into two separate WHERE clauses that are then merged at the SQL level. If you've exhausted other ideas, contact support to see if Union Replacement might be viable. In order to use Union Replacement your query must be such that the conditions in the WHERE clause could be split in a way that isolates the tables you are trying to split. For example, consider the following complex query:

SELECT ... FROM A JOIN B WHERE (A.field1=1 AND B.field1=2) OR (A.field1=3 AND B.field1=4);

This could be represented with a Union Replacement as:

(SELECT ... FROM A JOIN B WHERE A.field1=1 AND B.field1=2) UNION (SELECT ... FROM A JOIN B WHERE A.field1=3 AND B.field1 = 4);


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Best Practice for Building Efficient Queries   Outbound Integrations Using SOAP / REST: Performance Best Practices
Giga Expert

Excellent tips! Thanks!

Tera Guru

We have updated this article with new details. See the following sections for updated details:

A new note about "Union Replacement"

Problem 2/Solution 1: "GlideRecord.addJoinQuery"

ServiceNow Employee
ServiceNow Employee


Max D_ding
Tera Explorer

Is there a suggested way to build a Query using GlideRecord and the addJoinQuery functionality that would result in a SQL statement that looks like this:

AND item.customer = 'Acme'
OR item.model IN (
        SELECT FROM model
        WHERE model.end_of_life >= '2017-01-01'
        AND model.end_of_life <= '2017-02-01'

Notice the OR Statement that connects item.customer and item.model. I could not find any Method in the Documentation that would allow that.

ServiceNow Employee
ServiceNow Employee

Challenge accepted! Will it work in the next release of ServiceNow though...? Not sure. Use at own risk and make sure you've written a good test plan for breaks 🙂

var mainQuery = new GlideRecord('task');
var activeCondition = mainQuery.addActiveQuery();
var companyCondition = mainQuery.addQuery('company', 'ACME');
var subQuery = new GlideRecord('task').addJoinQuery('sys_user', 'assigned_to', 'sys_id');
subQuery.addCondition('active', 'true')
subQuery.addCondition('name', '!=', null)

This results in a query like:

SELECT ... FROM task task0 WHERE task0.`active` = 1 AND (task0.`company` = 'ACME' OR task0.`assigned_to` IN (SELECT ... FROM sys_user sys_user0 WHERE (sys_user0.`name` IS NOT NULL AND sys_user0.`active` = 1)))

So, back to our specific example with item and model:

var mainQuery = new GlideRecord('item');
mainQuery.addQuery('active', 1);
var customerAcme = mainQuery.addQuery('customer', 'Acme');
var subQuery = new GlideRecord('item').addJoinQuery('model', 'model', 'id'); 
subQuery.addCondition("end_of_life", ">=", "2017-01-01");
subQuery.addCondition("end_of_life", "<", "2017-02-01");

Please Correct if this solves your issue and/or 👍 if Helpful

"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it"

Max D_ding
Tera Explorer

Thanks this helped us reducing calculation time of a Query that got build by a before query business rule by a factor of 4

John Palmer
Tera Expert

Thanks, I used the suggestions in

SOLUTION #2 - Merge Two Separate Query Results in Javascript

to build a generic Script Include to be called with the table name and the two queries to run:


(probably need to select Client Callable)

Get sysIDs of tickets with an Uber OR query where the report timed out in Dashboard, due to MySQL performance issues removing duplicate entries). Script will sidestep this, should be called by from Report condition builder by something like:
sysID 'is one of' javascript:getRecordsWithOrQuery('tablename', '1stEncodedQuery', '2ndEncodedQuery');



var getRecordsWithOrQuery = function(table, encodedQuery1, encodedQuery2) {
   //'1 getRecordsWithOrQuery: start');
    var result = [];

    var grQuery1 = new GlideRecord(table);
   //'2 getRecordsWithOrQuery: 1st query: ' + grQuery1.getEncodedQuery());
   count = 0;
    while (grQuery1._next()) {
        // result.push(grQuery1.sys_id + ""); // This is passing a GlideElement
        result.push(grQuery1.getValue("sys_id") + ""); // This passes just the sys_id as a (64-byte) String. Much better!
        //         if (count++ > 1000) {
        //             gs.addErrorMessage("SubQueryFilter: " + table +
        //                 "." + field + " = " + qValue +
        //                 " returned over 1,000 results. Results of this list are trimmed.");
        //             break;
   //'3 getRecordsWithOrQuery:  1st query count: ' + grQuery1.getRowCount() + " Result: "+ result.join(","));

    var grQuery2 = new GlideRecord(table);
   //'4 getRecordsWithOrQuery: 2nd query: ' + grQuery2.getEncodedQuery());
    var count2 = 0;
    while (grQuery2._next()) {
        // result.push(grQuery2.sys_id + ""); // This is passing a GlideElement
        result.push(grQuery2.getValue("sys_id") + ""); // This passes just the sys_id as a (64-byte) String. Much better!
        //         if (count2++ > 1000) {
        //             gs.addErrorMessage("SubQueryFilter: " + table +
        //                 "." + field + " = " + qValue +
        //                 " returned over 1,000 results. Results of this list are trimmed.");
        //             break;
   //'5 getRecordsWithOrQuery:  2nd query count: ' + grQuery2.getRowCount() + " Result: " + result.join(","));
    return result;



(also note that your original code:


should probably be changed to

resultAr.push(grquery..getValue("sys_id") + ""); // This passes just the sys_id as a (64-byte) String. Much better!

Tera Guru

Thanks for the feedback, John!

Regarding your note about not pushing complex object types into an array, you had us nervous for a second, but actually using + "" will be sufficient to force the GlideElement to a string. We validated this with the following code:

var incidentGr = new GlideRecord("incident");
var newArray = [];
newArray.push(incidentGr.sys_id + "");
gs.log(typeof newArray[0]);
gs.log(typeof newArray[1]);

*** Script: object
*** Script: string

This works because of Javascript's implicit type coercion. You are correct, however, that it is very important to avoid passing GlideElements into arrays as documented in one of our other articles "Performance Best Practices for Server-side Coding in ServiceNow".

[Shameless plug! See our content at the link below]

Tera Guru

[reply to John Palmer 06-09-2022 01:09 PM]

Also, we strongly warn against removing the setLimit() code in our example. It was put there to avoid running your instance out of memory. Building large lists of sys_id's to go into a filter in memory is a very dangerous thing to do. Even as few as 10,000 sys_id's can seriously hog a system's memory and potentially cause system-wide performance degradation.

Best regards, your ServiceNow Performance team!

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‎11-22-2022 09:31 AM
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