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Dan Bruhn
R_ Firman Insan
Kilo Explorer

Nice !

Community Alums
Not applicable

I've followed it step by step. Great!

Rob Levy1
Mega Explorer

Good intro

Tera Contributor

Is there any specific order to be followed while performing the basic set up of the instance here if we assign them to more than one admin role team members?

A reply is appreciated. Thanks

Tera Explorer

This was a very useful guide on how to configure and customize your organization's ServiceNow Instance.

Justine Garcia1
Kilo Expert

I learned a lot from this useful introduction to the guided setups. I will try them after all the videos 😄

Mega Explorer

Good question.

Allen Andreas
Tera Patron
Tera Patron


For the ITSM Guided Setup Specifically, ideally, they'd just be done in the natural order presented, but...after looking at everything, I'd recommend at a minimum step 2 (Connectivity) being done first, so that you can get your users and/or groups imported and all that and then step 3 (Foundation Data) being done second. The rest can really be done in any other order.

There doesn't appear to be any dependency on the step before it (as long as 2 and 3 are done), that would cause any gaps or issues. Step 3 is important to ensure your groups are all organized as best as possible because in the later steps it talks about reviewing/setting up notifications and you may need to specify specific groups, otherwise, yeah, you may just use the "assignment group" field on the record, which is fine too, but I'm just mentioning you may want/need groups identified by those later steps.

So best plan, do them in the order presented, if not, at least look for step 2 and 3 to be done, then the rest (obviously you'd want to do Project Communication and Go Live very last, haha) in any order.

Ensure the teams though are communicating and keeps the other teams informed and that someone overall, implementation specialist/lead sys admin/architect, etc. looks everything over before they're officially checked off.

Please mark reply as Helpful, if applicable. Thanks!

Sandro Maximo
Tera Contributor


Boris Ortiz1
Tera Contributor


Mohammed Kemal
Giga Guru

Here is a quick summary about Guided Set up

When to use

  • Use guided setup to step through the initial configuration of any product or application that provides a Guided Setup module.

The benefit

  • Guided setup assists you with planning the roll-out of the product and performing the basic configuration to go live.

Features of Guided setup Module

  • The home page for most guided setup modules contains an overview and descriptions of the categories and associated tasks.
  • One can click either the home icon or the Get Started button to open the guided setup steps and begin configuration.
  • Clicking the home icon on the left will let us return to this page.


When a category is locked because the associated plugin is inactive, you can click the View Plugins link to see the details in a pop-up window. Below each task in a task page there is a status message. It indicates when the task was last visited or completed and the user who took the action.

Hope this is helpful!



Marivaldo Nova1
Kilo Explorer

Very Helpful

Daniel Junqueir
Kilo Explorer

Easy to learn!

Daniel Junqueir
Kilo Explorer

Easy to learn!

Kilo Explorer

Good information on how the guided set up can assist new System Administrators

complete- 9/14/21

Andre Moreira1
Tera Guru

Great content!

Felipe Dockhorn
Kilo Contributor

Great content!

Manuj Gangwar1
Tera Contributor

Good content,

Goncalo Freire
Kilo Explorer

I've followed it step by step. Great!

Tera Contributor

Thanks alot

Tera Contributor


Haseeb Ahmad2
Giga Contributor


Kilo Explorer


Mega Explorer


Sumedh Gajbhiye
Tera Contributor


Heidi Wilson
Tera Explorer

All of these course are well organized and informative for users new to ServiceNow.

Bharat Shinde
Tera Contributor

Helpful, Thanks!

Marielle Anne B
Giga Explorer

I've followed it step by step. Great!

Marielle Anne B
Giga Explorer

Very Helpful thanks


Tera Explorer


Version history
Last update:
‎09-13-2019 02:26 PM
Updated by: