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Jim Coyne
Kilo Patron
Included in the Developer Toolbox Update Set available on Share (link to Share in the post).


There are times when you need to add a few records into a table.  Simple records.  They just need a name.  Departments, Locations, Groups, a custom lookup table, etc...


You can go ahead and enter each one manually, which is a pain, depending on how many you have to add.  Or setup an import set, which may actually take more time than doing it manually.


Or you can use this tool.  You access the tool by selecting the "Add Data to Table" Context Menu by right-clicking the list header:




A popup window appears allowing you to select the table, field, how the data is separated and then the data itself.  The table and field names should be auto populated for you, based on the list view you were looking at and that table's display value column.  You can change the field to what you want to populate.




Enter or paste in your data and click on the "Add" button and the records will be added.  Leading and trailing spaces are stripped before inserting the data.


Some info/error messages will appear on screen to keep you updated on what happened:


find_real_file.png well as an entry in the System Logs:




Attached are the XML records for the UI Page, Context Menu, UI Messages, Access Control and Access Role records so you can just import them into your instance.  The Access Control records limit access to the UI Page to users with the "admin" role.


TIP: import the Access Role record before the Access Control record, otherwise the system may add "snc_internal" to the "Requires role" list.


As usual, test it out in your dev instance, or better yet, your personal dev instance first.


I've standardized on using UI Messages now for any message visible to users to make it easier to localize the tools.