Using the Javascript Executor to test client scrip... - ServiceNow Community
ServiceNow Employee
ServiceNow Employee

If you've ever run into trouble creating any client side scripts in your ServiceNow instance (Client Scripts/UI Policies etc.) you may find the following tool very useful. It's known as the Javascript Executor and is one of the ServiceNow support team's first points of call when investigating any client side issues or questions that our customers may raise.


It's important to note that this will only work for Client Side scripting; any server side code will not execute and must be executed in "Scripts - Background." This module is only available to users elevated to security admin level.


There is a Javascript executor built into your browsers, but the benefits of using the ServiceNow Javascript Executor is that the last executed code is still in the window so it can be modified to correct errors and test again immediately. Also, the Javascript Editor works on the main content frame, so for forms within iFrames (ie the console javascript editor works on the top frame so it cannot interact with iframe forms resulting in errors like "g_form.field is undefined."


If you have a large client script that is not working correctly, you can segment it into parts and test each portion in the Javascript Executor to find where the error in logic is.


There are two modes to the Javascript Executor:

1. The Javascript Executor

2. The environment variable browser



The Javascript Executor

To open the Javascript Executor you must be an administrator and simultaneously press "Alt+Ctrl+Shift+j" in a window within your ServiceNow instance to see the popup below:

javascript executor.jpg


Example of opening the Javascript executor on your ServiceNow instance:

1. Open an Incident form

2. Press "Alt+Ctrl+Shift+j" to open the Javascript Executor

3. Paste the following code in place of the "Type JavaScript here" text:

var id = '62826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5df1';

var name = 'Abel Tutorer';

g_form.setValue('assigned_to', id, name);

4. Click "Run my code"


You will see that the assignee on the Incident form has become "Abel Tutorer" - I have deliberately used a bogus sys_id and username to prevent the form being accidentally submitted with the wrong user details.


If the code you execute in the Javascript Executor does not work, you can use the developer tools console as a back up. The Javascript Executor tests client side scripts on the fly with immediate results when combined with the developer tools of the browser of your choice in real time. Open the developer tools console to see if errors appear and you can debug as necessary to ensure your code works as desired. You can use the ServiceNow debug console ( Using the JavaScript debug window ) or the browser's javascript console to display all client side errors.



Using the Variable Browser

To access the Variable Browser you must be an admin user and have the Javascript Executor window open. In the Javascript Executor window, click the dropdown menu on the bottom left to select "Browse vars".

browser vars.jpg


"Browse vars" shows all available browser environment variables on the current form and their current value if it has been set. For example, I found the title attribute via "Browse vars." It was set to "ServiceNow" and the element was "document['title']." If I want to change this on a page, using a client script,   I could test the following javascript in the "Javascript Executor" to change this on the fly before implementing the code in my script:


document.title = "ServiceNow Rocks!!";



Now, when I use browse vars after running that code you can see the updated page title variable. The beauty of running this in the Javascript Executor is that no change is permanent, so refreshing the page will return the title value to the original value. A simple example purely to illustrate the types of variables you can interact within your client side scripts and how you can test snippets to ensure they work before applying to larger client scripts.


If there is any error in the code, using the browsers developer tools console you will see something similar to the below:

Uncaught ReferenceError: title is not defined

The above error was from my trying to update the title variable as below (which is incorrect):

document['title'].value="This will produce an error";



While my examples above are trivial fiddles, this is a very powerful tool and is invaluable for quickly creating and debugging your client side code. We always recommend to test in sub prod environments and this is no exception as with all client scripts within ServiceNow you have an interface that can cause plenty of trouble which is why it is locked down to administrators. Please feel free to ask any further questions here about this great little tool and I will be happy to assist.


For more debugging and troubleshooting information see:

Using Chrome to Debug Client Side Errors

Debugging the Mobile UI from your Desktop

Strategies to isolate and debug an issue

Debugging SAML in ServiceNow and ADFS 2.0


