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Jim Coyne
Kilo Patron
Part of the Developer Toolbox Series.


Here's a collection of Modules with links to some tables and pages within the platform.  Some are not used very often, but are useful nonetheless.  Most of them are for tables that do not have an existing module and I can never remember the table name, or keep misspelling it.


I've attached a copy of my current Update Set.  It contains records for:

  • the "Developer Toolbox" Application Menu, which is restricted to the "admin" role and normally is the first Application shown in the Navigator (it has an Order of -98,000)
  • numerous Modules (currently 50+) with links to different tables or pages
  • an Image, "u_fpc_CMDBHardwareHierarchyExample.gif", used to show a subset of the Hardware CMDB table hierarchy from the "Hardware Hierarchy Map ➚" Module (I find it useful to show new clients how table extensions work)


The Modules are grouped into three different sections:

  • Useful Links
  • Useful Pages
  • Verify Post-Clone Tasks




Here's the CMDB hierarchy image:



It helps when explaining the table extension model to clients.


I usually install the Update Set in every instance that I work in, hoping to add a little bit of productivity to my day.  The Post-Clone section is handy for verifying common things after you perform a clone.  I keep adding new modules as I come across new tables, pages or tasks that I need to perform.


Please share any links you may have created in the past or might be inspired to add in the future.


NOTE: I use the "Developer Toolbox" Application Menu to add Modules from other solutions/Update Sets that I'm always working on, such as the "Hide and Protect" Update Set.  So it just keeps growing, even from outside of this particular Update Set.