LDAP memberof and wildcard filter - ServiceNow Community

LDAP memberof and wildcard filter

Rick Mann
Tera Expert

I'm working on an LDAP filter that uses the "memberof" attribute to only import users that are a member of a certain AD group.   I'm able to get a filter to work that specifically calls out a group name, for example:   (&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=group_name_here,OU=Standard,DC=mydomain,DC=com))

This filter will retrieve the desired list of user records I want to import into ServiceNow.   However, I'm unable to use a wildcard (*) within the filter where I may have multiple AD groups that start with "group" and end with "here".   For example:   (&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=group_*_here,OU=Standard,DC=mydomain,DC=com))

I've tried a few iterations of the syntax, but nothing seems to work.   Thanks for any assistance.



Giga Guru

Hi Rick,

Can you try this below filter :


Thanks and Hope it helps.


Rick Mann
Tera Expert