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REST Multipart/form-data binary image request body?

Mega Expert

So I have been working on an integration and was curious if anyone has successfully created a multipart/form-data outbound REST request with binary image data in Servicenow? With or without use of mid server. I know the request works because it works fine in Fiddler and Restify. Below is the body I am using, I have been able to post this exact message with a text file so I know the issue is with the binary I am sending. I have also tried base64. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for sending binary image data with Javascript? Any pitfalls or issues you have ran into in the past? Thanks !


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="body"

goes with message


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachment1"; filename="testpic.gif"


Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary




Yes, I finally got this done with a custom .jar file and Javascript probe. I wrote a reply on

JavascriptProbe and MID Server Script Includes-John Andersen

I believe you must be the same Jonathan, let me know if you have any questions.

View solution in original post


Tera Guru


Have you had any luck with this?

Uhg no, its been tough. Don't think this is even possible with the mid server because of the parsing that happens, every time I have tried this with a mid server I get xml parsing errors. This has also been hard because I don't know where I can or if its even possible to debug outbound rest messages in ServiceNow. I know that rest debug system property can be added but that seems to be strictly inbound rest messages. Another challenge is I know how to get this to a base64 encoded image but when I send that to Yammer its broken, and I am not sure if Yammer even accepts base64 encoded images. And finally another issue I have is when I tried to use Java Package calls I don't know how to call the one I need to build a multi part request. I know the package name is org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder; but have not had success initializes it. So yea,no luck.

And don't get me wrong its not formatting the multipart body, that works fine with plain/text, its the image/binary territory.

Yes, I finally got this done with a custom .jar file and Javascript probe. I wrote a reply on

JavascriptProbe and MID Server Script Includes-John Andersen

I believe you must be the same Jonathan, let me know if you have any questions.