Attempting to update RITM through Approval Record ... - ServiceNow Community

Attempting to update RITM through Approval Record in Flow Designer

Aaron Duncan
Kilo Sage

I'm getting an error when I attempt to update the RITM of an approval record. I have a Flow that is triggered off the approval record every day. At the 30 day mark, it rejects the request in the approval record. However, it will not automatically update the associated RITM. I'm going through and attempting to add an action in the flow to cancel the associated RITM.

On step 5, if I select the record and then attempt to set the table and then the fields, the record field will blank out. Can anyone help with this?




Giga Guru

You have to search for the Record before you can Update it, unfortunately.

Do a Lookup Record on the 5 - Update Record > Requested Item Record, then do the Update Record action. 

Logan Poynter
Mega Sage
Mega Sage

Hello Aaron,

I see you're doing a lookup on approval records, which has the reference field to the RITM in "Approval For." Have you tried to just dot walk into the RITM from here?


Record: Look up approval record
Fields: Approval For.Stage = Request Cancelled

Please mark my answer as correct/helpful if it has helped you.


I have, and I get this error.


Value of field record is not a GlideRecord

Hello Aaron,

This is what I just put together in a PDI and it worked as expected. I misspoke on the dot-walk for Record, you go into the Approval For there rather than the field level.


Please mark my answer as correct/helpful if it has helped you.
