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Create GlideModal using renderWithContent method after submission of a Record Producer on the Platform UI. (not Portal)

Eric Roberts
Mega Contributor

I'm trying to test the GlideModal renderWithContent() method to provide a simple modal to a user after submission of a Record Producer.  The messages at the top of the submitted form are kind of lost on the page for our users.  I know I could use a UI Page...but I am testing this approach to see if it's viable for short simple modals without the need to have another piece introduced.  I like the idea of crafting some HTML on the fly and presenting the modal with code only and not having to call an extra record in.  

The below code:

var message = '<h3>A Change Request was created for your CPU/RAM request and assigned to the Environmental Coordinators group. Someone will follow up with you shortly.</h3>';
var gm = new GlideModal();
gm.setTitle('RAM/CPU Request Submitted')

Presents the modal window if in an onSubmit client script...but only for a couple seconds then goes away.  Have not had any luck adding a sleep() or something like that.  Thread.sleep() seems to just stop execution altogether.  

I can't get it to work in the main RP script.

Is there a way to make this work?
