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Is there a way to handle SSO login within iframe on a webpage?

Shashank Vashi1
Kilo Guru
Kilo Guru

When ServiceNow instance is opened within an Iframe, how can the SSO login be handled for the instance as SSO redirection breaks out the iframe and sso login is loaded within the complete browser window. Is there a way to handle SSO login within iframe on a webpage?


Tera Contributor

Hi there,

Did you find a solution to this issue? I'm looking for the same thing. Trying to embed my catalog within an iframe from Salesforce, but the SSO login is busting out of the frame and taking over the entire browser tab. Any tips on this would be most appreciated!

Hi @mattcox ,


Unfortunately, SSO redirects to the main page of SSO login and is not working in the Iframe. The alternate solution we found is the user has to be logged into the browser for the content to be displayed in the iFrame.

Yes we found that to be the case as well.

Our solution was to create a local api user with very limited permissions and then modify the MultiSSO installation exit to automatically log in with that user. We then capture the email address of the actual requesting user and set that in a BR for the requested for. Since we don't have very much overlap between our SalesForce users and our ServiceNow users this has worked reasonably well.