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GlideRecord query against glide_date_time field

Mega Contributor

I need to run a query to retrieve records created within a certain date range. Been here: which implies that where operators can be passed in, but the API is short on detail.
Something like:

gr = new GlideRecord('foo');
gr.addQuery("sys_created_on", ">", "2010-01-05");

gets me in the neighborhood, returning everything created on or after 2010-01-05 (though I cannot imagine using string comparison is ideal here), but adding a second addQuery with the end date does not return the expected set. I doubt this is even the best way to interact with glide_date_time fileds from GlideRecord. Any help is appreciated.


ServiceNow Employee
ServiceNow Employee

For date/time fields, you can add the time. e.g.,
gr.addQuery("sys_created_on", ">=", "2010-01-05 00:00:00");
gr.addQuery("sys_created_on", "<=", "2010-01-05 23:59:59");

The query to the database won't be a string comparison, but this will generate the correct SQL statement to get the right records.

Note that date/time values are stored in the database in UTC timezone (essentially GMT), so this may or may not affect what you need to query on. Testing will let you know.

Thanks for the info - I'll give this a try.

Tera Contributor

I had issue with more complex query with dates, so my solution maybe help somebody

Fields starts and ends are DateTime type

var start = current.getValue('starts');
var end = current.getValue('ends');

gr.addEncodedQuery("startsBETWEEN" + start + "@" + end + "^ORendsBETWEEN" + start + "@" + end + "^NQstarts<" + start + "^ends>" + end);