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Giga Contributor
since ‎01-15-2014

User Statistics

  • 27 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 11 Helpfuls given
  • 5 Helpfuls received

User Activity

I have some user criteria separating some categories in my catalog which seem to be working fine.     however when i place one of those on say the self service page, the criteria is not hiding the categories.   is this by design?     seems like a fla...
Trying to assign a value to users, lets call it Region, based on the Source OU (LDAP) of the user using an onBefore transform lets assume the LDAP Source (source) is this:ldap:CN=bob dobbs,OU=subgenius,OU=IT,DC=HERE,DC=something,DC=comI wan...
Looking for a way to put a script together that will identify all records that are NOT in 2 tables.For example, all CI that are in the cmdb_ci table, but not in the task_ci table, maybe filtering by class.not a count.. but a listThe following seems t...
I am struggling with a requirement to have attachments made available to Work Group Agents for Work Management on the mobile ui.  I found a helpful hack that creates an incoming action to add attachments to a ticket from the mobile ui by sending an e...
Just realized windows is not supported at all in the smartphone mobile ui.This will likely be a significant show stopper for us... and i see nothing about chrome or safari support on windows mobile, nor do i see anything from ServiceNow to suggest Wi...