About Baggies - ServiceNow Community
Kilo Guru
since ‎05-13-2009

User Statistics

  • 344 Posts
  • 11 Solutions
  • 13 Helpfuls given
  • 73 Helpfuls received

User Activity

Hello, I found a post in the forum showing how to populate the CAB date field via a Business Rule. But the script doesn't seem to work for me in either work or private instances. Is there something I am missing in the script? Many thanks for any assi...
On a Change Request form, I have a custom field (reference to sys_user) to add an additional Business Approver. I want to write a business rule to prevent the Assigned To person from being the same as this Business Approver. The field name is u_busin...
Hello. I am trying to schedule a report to be sent every  Monday-Wednesday-Friday. I have pawed through numerous posts, and come up with same answer each time , BUT my report gets sent no matter what day it is. If anyone has any ideas, I'd really app...
Hello.In Flow Designer, I am trying to populate the Short Description of a catalog task, with a variable. My variable is a choice - Request Type, whose value is request_typeOne of my questions (choice) is Site Access, value is site_access.See screens...
Hello. In an email notification, I am trying to Link to a record in Workspace. So that when a task is assigned, the link will open up the specific task in Agent Workspace. I am following this documentation. https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/orlando-...